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Transition resources at your fingertips

We know there are so many things to consider as you’re in transition. We've created this site as a guide to connect you with the resources you need as you move through this process.

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Empowering your career search

You may be starting your search for a new job. We’ve curated a Career Tools resource page to support your career search effort featuring top advice such as updating your digital footprint, crafting your elevator pitch and preparing for an interview.

Career toolkit

If you need further support, we’ve got you covered. Check out the following resources to get you where you need to go:


Website link

Former Employee Portal
Utility accessible to former TTEC employees where requests can be submitted. Services available include, but not limited to, employment certificates, taxation, benefits, and compensation related documentation. Services may vary depending on region.

Benefits Information (Alight)

Employment and Wage Verification

Read the online support center guide

Thomas & Company's contact information

Pay Statement or W2 Information Use code TTH1 IPAY2

Equipment Returns

Equipment Returns Website

We’re here for you

We encourage you to carefully review the relevant sections of this site as we’ve curated the most frequently asked questions, links to our Partners' platforms and more.

If you’re not finding what you need, submit a ticket, and our People and Culture team will be back with you.

Submit a ticket
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